What We Do
Through a collaborative approach, MLH Business Consulting will share with your company programs to foster a happy work environment where employees feel cared for and are rewarded for compassion and kindness toward patients. With passion and integrity, our mission is to help you implement proven systems and processes; earning greater patient loyalty, increased patient referrals and retention year after year.
Yearly Dental Practice Growth Potential on average:
2020- year of covid
58 New Patients per month
22 Patient referrals
4,258 active patients on December 31, 2020
88 New Patients per month
30 Patient referrals
4,563 active patients on December 31, 2021
90 New Patients per month
46 Patient referrals
4,883 active patients on December 31, 2022
126 New Patients per month
42 patient referrals
5,548 active patients on December 31, 2023